Thursday, June 17, 2010

Past meets Present

So, I have this blanky. As you can see in the above picture it is pink and beautiful, so soft to the touch. I have had it for as long as I can remember and there are many photos of me in various stages of my life with that thing wrapped around my shoulders or head. Easter morning, Christmas morning, late night television is my ultimate comfort.

My mom used to have to make me wash it because I hated putting it in the wash and preferred it with a healthy layer of grime. I can still hear her saying "Catherine, it's filthy!"

I came home from work the other night, exhausted and ready to curl into bed. "Look," Tania said, "I washed your blanky, it's drying."

Some things never change.

This morning we wrapped Tito up in my blanket for a modern family portrait. He looks embarrassed, which is funny with cats. Do you have something like a blanky you grew up with that makes you feel safe? PG Tips is also up there......and of course FuFu.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Project, but...

I'm not playing favorites. I've started a Mythical Legends blog as some of the work the band does is in need of it's own message and I would like to keep my more personal stories and thoughts separate from that. If I can. I hope you will check on both and I love and miss you all very much. Check out the ML blog just so you can get a killer Guacamole recipe (world famous) and see the awesomest music video you've ever seen.

who is in Seattle still that wants to hang when I return at the end of the month? Holla at me!