Today was a beautiful day. I went for a run (down the block) to catch the last farmer's market from the community garden down the street from me. Finally got some eggs from the chickens they take care of there, so excited to taste fresh eggs again. Then I went for a bike ride, breezy crisp and cool. Supa cool. Other stuff happened too that was nice. But what I really wanted to share is that I stopped in to one of my favorite spots in Brooklyn to get some flowers for my roommates birthday (Scorpzl in the hzl, hey!), Park Delicatessen. It's a beautiful shop owned by a beautiful couple (with the cutest kid I ever did see) that sells skateboards, clothing, odds and ends, stunning fresh flowers, and good times. Every time I go in there I feel community in my bones. Find these places and go to them. They matter.
Am listening to this song right now and it is sounding real good. The whole Deerhunter Halcyon Digest album is great.
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