Friday, September 9, 2011

Just Checking In

This is me being contemplative. No, it's me at Athens airport in the midst of a 6 hour layover, not really sure what to do with myself and then letting my mom take a picture of me. But for the sake of this post, it's me being contemplative.

It's been a while. I have a lot on my mind and feel like sharing. Have just returned home from some time in Europe. People are having a hard time out there, it felt good to make some connections and hear some other languages and learn some new words and see some beautiful things. Travel is good, it is a necessary way to make the world better. I believe. My cab dropped me off back here in Brooklyn the other day and my building was blocked off by Police tape. The officer at my front door informed me there was a shooting in my building about an hour before I arrived. There was also multiple shootings and people getting murdered all through labor day weekend in my neighborhood. I'm not sure how this news should affect my behavior or how much worst talking about it makes everything. I have always felt safe here and want to continue to do so. You just never know. Shit goes down. People are hurting, people are bored, people are stupid. I don't want to add to the hype or stress of whatever happened, but man, that sucks. It's so sad. I gonna maintain. Love you all, take care of yo selves.

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