1. Describe America in One Word?
Mariann: Contradictory
Lou: Potential
2. If you Could Change One Thing About America What Would It be?
Mariann: Slavery (historically)
Lou: I guess I'd get rid of the 24 hour news cycle
3. What's your favorite food?
Mariann: Ice Cream
Lou: Bread
4. Who is a Hero in your life?
Mariann: My mother
Lou: Napolean- a great man in the right place at the right time.
5. What is the biggest stress you have in your life?
Mariann: Dealing with the aging process. I don't feel old, but I'm closer to 70 then 60.
Lou: The stock market.
6. If you could be any animal what would it be?
Mariann: Eagle
Lou: Sea Otter
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
Mariann: My ability to play the piano well.
Lou: I'm kind of a detail guy. Nose to the grind, I keep working away at something.
8. What "words of wisdom" do you have to pass on?
Mariann: Live in the present.
Lou: Plan for the future.
Those words of wisdom might have something to do with their successful marriage and family, it's all about balance right? What lovely, lovely people. Thank you so much for making me feel like family with you.
I promise to take care of Rosebud, kindred sister of mine!
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