With the wind below her heels and her hair let down, she embarks onto the open highway. It's been a long time since she's seen many a friend and family, leaving Brooklyn (aka home) to eventually roll into Seattle (aka home) at a date only the road can determine. These pages are now to become the diaries of a journey she has been waiting her whole life for.....only now realizing this, she hopes to share this adventure with you. Picking up fellow Road Warriors along the way, they are on a mission. Spreading a gospel of peace, freedom, and good times............she is Miss Poppy Sunshine, defender of the working man and drinking. She fights for love.
Stay Tuned for the stories ahead......
The Big 8 Questions!!!!
This journey is all about making connections with those that I encounter. That being said, I have come up with a series of 8 questions to ask all whose presence I am graced with. It is only fitting then that Miss Poppy Sunshine herself.....(me) answer those same questions and introduce them to you underneath her (my) own feelings; so here goes:
PS: Young
2. If you Could Change One Thing About America What Would It be?
PS: It's ability to take care of its people
3. What's your favorite food?
PS: Apples
4. Who is a Hero in your life?
PS: The working man. Farmers, families, parents, nerds. People getting by.
5. What is the biggest stress you have in your life?
PS: That too many people don't understand what it's really about. And then I have to serve them Iced-Teas.
6. If you could be any animal what would it be?
PS: An Ocelot.
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
PS: That I have the ability to bring people together and I always wear my heart on my sleeve.
8. What "words of wisdom" do you have to pass on?
PS: Peace, Love, and rock n' roll baby.
8 Questions! New York goodbye from a lovely friend.
1. Describe America in One Word?
M: Conflicted
2. If you Could Change One Thing About America What Would It be?
M: The Health Care System. It's ridiculous that we do not take care of each other, and that the structure is so focused on big business.
3. What's your favorite food?
M: Sushi. . .for breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And snack.
4. Who is a Hero in your life?
M: The Early Suffragists. I can't believe that our right to vote was granted so recently.
5. What is the biggest stress you have in your life?
M: Figuring out how to bridge my various interests to create one super duper career.
6. If you could be any animal what would it be?
M: A Zebra.
7. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
M: That I really try not to settle, even when it's the easier option. I make a conscious effort to pursue what makes me happy. There are too many miserable people in the world bringing others down. I don't believe that you are ever "too old" or "too busy" to do what you love.
8. What "words of wisdom" do you have to pass on?
M: Laugh a little too loud. I'd rather be sitting at the fun table then watching the fun table. Also, work hard. The rewards will be greater and the laughter will be sweeter.
First of all, if you knew Melissa you'd know that she is worth taking advice from and that the zebra is the perfect animal for her....(electric pony anyone??)
Love Love Love!
And with that......Poppy Sunshine bids adieu to New York and hello to the other places. Join me on this guide friends, we help each other get there the whole way through.
Nice Catherine - can't wait to see you :)