In case you were wondering what I might be up to these days.......
MYTHICAL LEGENDS is the answer. We have our first show on Saturday February 6th at Lit lounge. For more information you can visit our magical website here and please let me know what you think about it: Mythical Legends
Here's a little inside view of what us very hard at work with some friends looks like:
Farts and Craps went wonderfully! Here, I'll show you: Food and and the same. I painted on the the effect Our three different interpretations of the word FLOAT. Cheers!
I have decided to do a monthly Cultural/Arts project aptly named "Farts and Craps", because there's nothing worst then taking your self too seriously. It's funny there is so much to do in New York and I don't really do it. This project should help with feeling a little bit more a part of my community and the wonderful creative people around me. Of course Rosebud and Dandelion Dame will be in full attendance. Sometimes we will go to shows or exhibits, other times, like our next project, we will stay in and read or create something together. This week we are going to paint! I have been wanting to paint for a while, so now I'm doing it. 2010 is bringing it peoples. What are you going to do for yourself? Little things are big, even the whole Universe used to be a little condensed unit.......And then time came in and changed everything. Wah WAh. (Sorry, just started reading Stephen Hawkings, it keeps slipping in, but that's a whole nother post my friends.)
I've always known I liked Joni Mitchell, even before I heard her music. Some things you know matter to you before you even know why. On the road trip Rosebud put Joni on as soon as we hit the California coast and it was beyond a cliche moment because it's kind of an absolute necessity to do if you have any sense about you. From that day on I knew a relationship was forming and it continues. Rosebud made me a data disc of three Joni albums, awesome. But the real moment was my first Joni record. I wake up in the morning and I put it on. I come home at night and I put it on. It's beautiful. I cannot find a date on it, but it's pretty damn early on in her legacy. Part One is I came to the city and Part Two is Out of the city and down to the seaside. It makes me smoke cigarettes and drink though. I am a product of my environment. This is an amazing song that is on the record, but seriously, look at this woman. No contest. And I am so busy being free.............
Is upon us. It's a New Year and I have just discovered my delete button doesn't work on my computer. You'd be surprised by how annoying that is. Anyway:
Tania and I woke up this morning and wrote a song in bed. We drank tea and listened to Moondog records. We added him to the list. Then we took her car to her house and dropped off Jim 2 (the best keyboard in the whole world that I got for x-mas). Subway to the city for brunch. Bacon waffles handmade by Gilleon, Eggs Benedict with an excellently executed hollandaise, Then fried chicken and negro modelo. Now I am drinking pg tips and eating a muffin. It's that kind of day and it feels good.
Warm people, big party last night, good bodies and souls. I was surprisingly clear headed and alert this morning, could feel a really nice energy in the city, fresh. I really think this year is going to be good. For me. For you. Just let it, you know? It wants to be good, don't fight it.
I know this.
Guess who else we added to the list? I think a part of my day today goes to recognizing people like this, people who do things that matter: