Monday, June 29, 2009

On A Steel Horse I Ride.........

Just arrived in Memphis, which is looking like a place we'll really love..more on that later. We left Milwaukee (Rosebud and I) and pulled into Iowa yesterday to stay a night with my grandmother, who is 88 years old. She was cheeky, honest, bold, and vulnerable in a truly beautiful way. She shared many stories with us about her past and mine, much which I have never known and I was truly struck by the significance of it. Grandparents, our past, and so worth talking to. Here is what resulted from my 8 Question interview with Mary Weisnewski:

1. Describe America in One Word?
Grandma: Home

2. If you Could Change One Thing About America What Would It be?
Grandma: I would like to see the attitude of our government being more compassionate to other countries. It's not the people, it's the rulers of the countries that get us in all this trouble.

3. What's your favorite food?
Grandma: Not peas.

4. Who is a Hero in your life?
Grandma: My husband. To have gone through the things that he did and still be a compassionate person. He was so good with you grandchildren. So patient.

5. What is the biggest stress you have in your life?
Grandma: Finances. It's not what I'm having to live on, it's how to deal with it when I can hardly add or subtract.

6. If you could be any animal what would it be?
Grandma: A pussycat.

7. What is your favorite thing about yourself?
Grandma: Daring to do something and willing to take a chance.

8. What "words of wisdom" do you have to pass on?
Grandma: Go with the flow. Accept what you cannot change.

I am truly inspired by her independence and courage, the trip was a real blessing.
And we ate fried catfish with tartar sauce and drank chardonnay, it was awesome.

Here are some pictures of Rosebud and I's drive from Iowa to Memphis. Very blue they are. We cannot wait to see you all and hear from you...........more to come. Love to you all, the trip is proving to be just what it needs to.

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