Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Sun is Out, The Sky is Blue, It's Beatiful and....

We left Austin and drove to Marfa, Texas. We stopped at DQ for ice was delicious. Marfa was dead, apparently it is only really open Wednesday thru Saturday and we were there on a Monday night. That being said, we were serenaded by a cowboy (ish) guy upon arrival to our motel and set out to find the "Prada" store. As we were driving, racing trains alongside our path, the sun was setting ahead of us and the moon was rising behind us. The pictures below show in real time the sun setting and then the moon in a pale pink sky directly behind....we were driving between the two and it was pretty damn beautiful. We finally found the "Prada" store as art installation in the middle of butt fuck Egypt. Nothing to be seen for miles in any direction....great, fabulous, so obscure, so weird, so Marfa, TX that we really missed out on. Whatevs. The next morning we all went out for runs in a rain storm and some locals probably thought we were cray cray and then we watched some MJ funeral stuff at a diner before going to an artsy cafe where they actually had..............PG fucking TIPS!!!! Their menu was all scrabble pieces; cool. Then our tire light came on in the rental (Mick st. Pierre), the sexiest guy in Marfa checked our tire pressure and discovered we had a gash in our rear right tire. He was sexy. I picked a beetle off of his back (there's a picture of it!) and it was exciting. He wanted no money, but told us to be safe. We got the tire fixed, thanks for your concerns though. Check out pics below. Dudes, loves yous. Peace.

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